Similar Sports, Different Courts

Parks and neighborhoods alike are quickly adding areas to existing spaces to accommodate both pickleball and tennis. Usually, an existing tennis court space will be converted into a strictly pickleball space, offering visitors a choice between the fast paced, low risk paddle of pickleball or the high intensity, physically demanding tradition of tennis. Although very different games, the fundamentals translate well, and typically people will bring both a racket and a paddle and decide on arrival what to play first. Having the option of one or the other in the same area allows for enjoyers of both to still be able to go to the same place and play what they want to play due to the efficient use of space, which is increasingly important since urban areas are often lacking in that department.

 However, despite the similarities both sports share, a key difference lies in the competitive nature of both. Pickleball can be competitive, but is usually is open to all skill levels and is therefore more welcoming and social. Tennis, on the other hand, can be social, but is much more serious in nature and due to the size of the court offers less opportunity to chat and joke. Despite the differences, this further supports the reasoning to have both in the same area. Providing both opens up a realm of possibilities for people, generating more foot traffic and visitors versus being exclusive to one set of players or the other, fostering a community of inclusivity and filling it with people who simply just want to get better and stay in shape. Having a shared space can also bridge age and skill gaps, allowing more experienced players to tutor newer players in either sport without feeling annoyed or uncomfortable. 

Holding both courts are economically beneficial as well. Separate maintenance can be expensive and pointless, especially since both courts are made out of the same materials. Having a shared space for both limits the driving and resources needed to clean and maintain pickleball and tennis courts while still retaining the same amount of participation or higher.  

The town of Dracut, Massachusetts is seeking bids from qualified contractors to furnish and construct pickleball and tennis courts for their town. Seeking to adopt an increasingly growing community, Dracut wants to be a place for people of all interests to enjoy, and the construction of these courts will encourage stronger community ties and a happier group of people. If interested, click on the link to learn more. The bid closes September 12, 2024 at 11:00 AM EDT.